La Perla – Valtellina Coltiviamo Sogni
Website: La Perla – Valtellina Coltiviamo Sogni
La Perla Valtellina Tech Sheets
Marco Triacca set about creating his winery in 2009 by planting new clones on family vineyards at Valgella- Teresenda di Teglio, at the heart of one of the most famous vine-covered terraced hillsides in the Valtellina region of Lombardia. His father, Domenico, was a pioneer in the area of research and innovation during the 1970’s & 80’s. To date there are 3.3 hectares of vines. The company operates the first vineyard in Valtellina that adopted the girappoggio planting pattern, (in which all the vines in each row are on the same level and the rows lie parallel to the top of the hill). This solution has enabled them to develop their own unique and exclusive vine cultivation system which in turn provides the leaves of each plant the maximum exposure to the sun and consequently an improvement in the quality of the grape. A further innovative solution is the gradual introduction of “new posts in the shape of a treble clef” so we can adjust our cultivation system even better to the demands of the landscape and the terraces to achieve higher quality and reduce operations costs by means of gradually introducing a partially mechanized system and maximum exposure to the sun. The company is associated with the Consorzio di Tutela Vini di Valtellina and CERVIM (Center for Research, Environmental Sustainability and Advancement of Mountain Viticulture).